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Sony Corporation advertisements vanish from the new MTV show Skins and their sister network Teen Nick show DeGrassi. Sony is no longer a leading advertiser on these shows. Supporters’ emails to Sony made a difference.

Sony Corporation advertisements vanish from the new MTV show Skins and their sister network Teen Nick show DeGrassi. 

Sony is no longer a leading advertiser on these shows. 

Supporters’ emails to Sony made a difference.



Florida Family Association sent out an email alert on February 1, 2011 that encouraged supporters to send emails to Sony Corporation because the company was a leading advertiser on the MTV show Skins and TeenNick Show DeGrassi.

Good News!  Your emails made a difference.  Florida Family Association did not witness any Sony advertisements during DeGrassi episodes recorded thus far for March 2011.  Additionally, only one Sony ad was witnessed during Skins episodes recorded thus far for March 2011 which occurred on March 6, 2011.

Both of these MTV network shows target our children with very inappropriate content.

The MTV show Skins is filled with highly irresponsible teen behavior including:  teens having sex with teachers, teens having sex with same sex partners, teens having sex with other teens, teens binge drinking, teens smoking pot, teens consuming large quantities of drugs and teens committing acts of violence against other teens.

The Teen Nick (owned by MTV) show DeGrassi is loaded with irresponsible content including teen drug abuse, teen drug overdose, underage drinking, teen reckless driving, teen pregnancy, teen on teen violent crime and explicit same sex affection.  DeGrassi airs Two Hundred (200) times EVERY week.

Florida Family Association united with the American Family Association’s One Million Moms and the American Decency Association in this effort to urge Sony Corporation to stop supporting the reckless content of these shows with their advertising dollars.

Florida Family Association is planning a new email alert for this week which targets more companies that advertise on the MTV show Skins.

Author: ffa   20110302   Category: TV  FFA: on
Tags: MTV, Teen Nick, DeGrassi, Skins

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