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Kansas district court prevents Sharia law from being considered thanks in part to Florida Family Association supporters’ emails to legislators.

A Kansas district court is the first to recognize the possible application of the American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) law in a case where a party sought to enforce a sharia-law based contract.

Kansas district court prevents Sharia law from being considered thanks in part to Florida Family Association supporters’ emails to legislators.

The American Freedom Law Center reports Kansas District Court First to Apply “American Laws for American Courts”:  A Kansas district court is the first to recognize the possible application of the American Laws for American Courts (ALAC) law in a case where a party sought to enforce a sharia-law based contract. ALAC was adopted in Kansas earlier this year and it is based upon the model legislation drafted by AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi. The case at hand, Soleimani v. Soleimani, involves an Iranian-American couple who had been married according to both sharia and later by state law. At some point the woman divorced her husband (for cruelty and abuse) and sought to enforce a sharia-based prenuptial agreement called a mahr. The mahr required the man upon a divorce that was no fault of the woman’s to pay 1,354 gold quare, which are coins valued at $500 apiece or the equivalent of $677,000.  Click here to read the full report.

Florida Family Association launched three email alerts which encouraged supporters to send emails to legislators. Supporters sent more than 60,000 total emails with approximately 9,000 emails going to each Senator on the Kansas Judiciary Committee and Kansas Governor Sam Brownback.   Click here to read Florida Family Association's full report on this issue.

Kansas Governor Sam Brownback signed legislation late the week of May 25, 2012 titled “Concerning the protection of rights granted under the Constitution" which prohibits Kansas state courts from recognizing foreign laws including Islamic Sharia law.  

The Kansas Senate voted 33-4 and the Kansas House voted 120-0 the week of May 12, 2012 to approve legislation which prohibits their courts from recognizing foreign law including Islamic Sharia law.  See report here at USAtoday.com


Kansas State Representative Peggy Mast fought hard for two years to get this legislation passed. She never gave up despite many setbacks. There were several opportunities for her to give up but she kept pushing until this bill passed both chambers. If you would like to thank Representative Mast for her unwavering leadership please contact her at pmast@ink.org or peggy.mast@house.ks.gov

A special thanks to the Center for Security Policy for their leadership in advancing this American Laws for American Courts legislation.

Author: ffa   20120922   Category: AmericanlawsforAmericanCourts  FFA: on
Tags: Kansas District Court, Sharia law

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