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Toyota plans to drop LGBTQ+ initiatives but needs to do more to dismantle DEI.

See email prepared below to send to Toyota officials.

Fox Business published an article titled “Toyota follows growing trend of companies halting DEI policies and initiatives.” 

LGBTQ+ activists launched a campaign to urge Toyota officials not to cancel DEI. 

Florida Family Association is sending this email several days after Toyota’s announcement to get the last word in after LGBTQ+ advocates started their campaign to stop Toyota from ditching DEI.  

The Fox Business article reports in part:

Toyota Motor Corp. is planning to move away from DEI and pro-LGBTQ events after recently facing online controversy, according to a new report.

Bloomberg reported the company sent out a memo to its U.S. employees Thursday saying it will "narrow community activities to align with STEM education and workforce readiness" and no longer participate in the Human Rights Campaign's Corporate Equality Index.

In the message to employees, Toyota reportedly said while it will continue to "encourage an inclusive environment where diversity of thought can flourish," the company will be primarily focusing on activities that promote the quality of the business.

"We will work to ensure that the activities and events are focused on professional development, networking, mentoring and volunteering—team member engagement that drives our business. Furthermore, we will work to ensure all company activities are aligned with our values and create an inclusive environment for our team members," the memo reportedly read.

A Toyota spokesman told Bloomberg, "Starbuck’s public attack drew a few hundred queries from employees, questions from a ‘small population’ of dealers and about 30 customer calls to its call center. He described the impact as 'negligible.'"

While only a few people reportedly contacted Toyota to support Starbuck’s post urging Toyota to drop DEI, THOUSANDS of Florida Family Association subscribers will likely respond to this email to get the last word in to support Toyota’s plans to dismantle DEI.

The first sentence in the Fox Business article states “Toyota Motor Corp. is PLANNING to move away from DEI and pro-LGBTQ…” means that they have not done it yet.  Toyota officials need to hear from you.

LGBTQ+ support is only a part of most companies DEI policies.  The article does not mention specifics about Toyota’s position regarding the rest of its DEI policy.

Additionally, it is apparent from Toyota's Diversity & Inclusion webpage that the company needs to do more to dismantle DEI in order to reduce its negative impact on equal treatment for all employees and all applicants.  

Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to thank Toyota officials for planning to drop LGBTQ+ initiatives and urge the company to do more to dismantle its DEI policy.

Click here to send your email to thank Toyota for planning to end DEI and to do more.  (For Gmail.com, Hotmail.com, Msn.com, live.com and other email clients that require comma separation of addresses.)  

Click here to send your email to thank Toyota for planning to end DEI and to do more.   (For Yahoo.com, Comcast.net, Frontier.com, AOL and other IPS that limit the number of email addresses to one.)  YAHOO works best in Yahoo Mobile App, not so well with internet browser.

Click here to send your email to thank Toyota for planning to end DEI and to do more. (For Outlook and other email clients that require semicolon separation of addresses.)

Unlike most of Florida Family Association's action emails this email is designed to open in your email client because Toyota is blocking normal form emails sent through the Florida Family Association email server.  If the above link does not open in your email browser or if the email is returned to you please prepare an email by copying the suggested subject line, content and email addresses provided below in your own email client.  Please feel free to change the wording.

Suggested subject line:

Good to see Toyota plans to drop LGBTQ+ initiatives but company needs to do more to dismantle DEI.

Suggested content:

It is encouraging to know that your company plans to drop sponsorship of LGBTQ+ activities.  However, LGBTQ+ support is only a part of most corporate DEI policies.  

It is apparent from the Toyota Diversity & Inclusion webpage that Toyota needs to do more to dismantle DEI in order to reduce its negative impact on equal treatment for all employees and all applicants. 

I urge Toyota to do more to dismantle its DEI policy and provide truly equal treatment to all employees and applicants.

Email String separated by commas


Email String separated by semicolons


Contact information:

Ted Ogawa, President

Jack Hollis, SVP Operations

Tim Ingle, CFO

Scott Vazin, Chief Communications Officer

Author: ffa   20241016   Category: DEI  FFA: on

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