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New Jersey imam prayer targeting Jews calls for destruction of infidels and confiscation of their property including children.

See email prepared below to send to Laurie R. Doran, Director of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness.

BareNakedIslam.com published an article titled:  NEW JERSEY imam calls for Jewish genocide and that all the property and possessions of Jews, even their children, become “booty” for Muslims.  The article cited Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) reported that during a recent Friday sermon at the Bayonne Mosque and Community Center, a Muslim preacher emphasized the importance of Hamas’ jihad against Israel for the entire “Muslim nation,” and prayed an incendiary prayer that included the request that Allah would give the wealth, possessions and even the children of non-Muslims to the Muslims as booty, that is, the spoils of war.  To see the video click here BareNakedIslam.com

The imam prayer (LOL) starts off defending Muslims in Gaza but directs his Islamist hate against all infidels.
The following is a portion of the imam’s prayer transcribed by MEMRI “We ask Allah to protect them.  We ask Allah to grant them victory.  Oh Allah, punish the infidels, come upon them from wherever they do not expect.  Oh Allah, instill fear into their hearts.  Oh Allah, destroy their houses with their own hands and the hands of believers.  Oh Allah, let us inherit their homes, their wealth, and land where we have not set foot yet.  Oh Allah, turn them, their wealth, their children and their lives into booty for Islam and the Muslims.  Oh Allah, turn their booty for Islam and the Muslims. … Oh Allah, annihilate them, for they are not match for you.  Oh Allah, bring down upon them, Your punishment for which criminals cannot escape.”

Although this rant in the form of an alleged prayer was at first about defending Hamas and directed at Jews he directs his message at “infidels.” An infidel is anyone who is not Muslim.  Later in his rant he refers to infidels as “criminals” which should not escape.

Sadly, the Bayonne Mosque imam’s dangerous message is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and deranged leftists to be inspired by.

The state of New Jersey has a billboard campaign to promote public safety.  Their 'See Something, Say Something' initiative bolsters the State's security efforts and plays a key role in helping to identify threats and to prevent attacks.” The signs target drivers during the morning and afternoon rush hours seven days a week through Feb. 17, 2024.

In the spirit of the New Jersey “see something, say something” program Florida Family Association has prepared an email for you to send to Laurie R. Doran, Director of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP), to express concern regarding Bayonne Mosque imam’s dangerous message that is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and deranged leftists to be inspired by.

Unlike most of Florida Family Association action emails this email will open in your own email client.  This form of email is being used because New Jersey blocks emails sent through the florida-family.org action email server.  If the emails doe not open properly in your email client please consider using the information below to copy, paste and send this action email in your own email software.

Click here to send your email to express concern to Laurie R. Doran regarding Bayonne Mosque imams dangerous message.

Email address:


Subject line:

Please put Bayonne Mosque on the highest level of watch.

Email Content:

Here is one report for your see something, say something campaign.  A Bayonne Mosque imam alleged prayer on December 15, 2023 targeted Jews and called for the destruction of infidels and confiscation of their property including children.  An infidel is anyone who is not Muslim.  Although the video was produced at the New Jersey mosque this dangerous message is posted on YouTube for all Islamists and deranged leftists in America to be inspired by.  Please put this mosque on the highest level of watch.

Contact info:

Laurie R. Doran
Director of the New Jersey Office of Homeland Security and Preparedness (NJOHSP)

Author: ffa   20240102   Category: Islamist hate  FFA: on
Tags: Bayonne Mosque and Community Center

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